Solana Poem

Liquid Whales
1 min readFeb 21, 2024


In Solana’s realm, where blockchain dreams take flight, Where bytes of data dance in the digital night, A vibrant ecosystem, alive and aglow, Where innovation thrives and possibilities grow.

From Serum’s bustling exchange, where tokens trade fast, To Solana Beach’s shores, where community’s cast, In the heart of DevLand, where coders unite, To build the future with each line of code they write.

Solarians gather, from far and from wide, With passion and purpose, they stride side by side, NFT artists, with canvases bold, Creating digital art that’s worth more than gold.

In Degenerate Ape Academy, monkeys swing free, While CyberKongz roam, in their digital spree, Metaplex’s galleries, a feast for the eyes, With collections diverse, reaching for the skies.

On Solana’s mainnet, validators stand tall, Securing the network, one block at a crawl, With decentralization as their guiding light, They forge ahead, through the darkest of nights.

Solarians dream of a world that’s decentralized, Where power is shared, and freedom realized, With Solana as their canvas, they paint a new dawn, A future where trust is built, and barriers are gone.

So raise up your wallets, and join in the fray, In Solana’s ecosystem, where dreams have their say, For in this digital landscape, where cultures collide, The spirit of innovation forever will ride.

